Monday, April 9, 2018

11 WEEKS!!!

This  is the only title I remember from any of Jessica’s emails she sent home . . . 11 WEEKS! Tribute to Jess! I remember when she sent that, I had ONE WEEK until I entered the MTC and I was thinking, "Heck, that day is never going to come! That’s ages away!!" and HERE WE ARE! What even happened!?

Anyway, I HAD A BABY!! She is older than me by one month, but she's still my baby! In the mission field when we train a new missionary, we call them our baby.  Then there is this family tree that happens and we become grandmas and even great grandma’s as we receive a companion from the previous “generation”.  It’s pretty cool how family works in the mission field!  Anyway . . . we have already had the best 4 days in the world! She is so diligent and full of so much enthusiasm for the work!  Her name is Sister Sam (Mariah Sam). She is a piano major at BYU, also pays violin, and she's just musically SOOO talented! I'm so blessed! ***Cool fact . . . Sister Sam knows my amazing piano teacher, Janae Williams, well!  I’m guessing she may be studying piano at BYU with her someday!!***

This week we had a cool experience. So I, personally, hate studying inside the house in the morning.  I always go outside with my companions to study. So I took Sister Sam out to study. My favorite place is Starbucks, but kids are very busy with testing right now, and they like to study there too, so if we find a seat we are very fortunate and it means that God has someone for us to meet. Unfortunately we didn't find a seat, so we went over to the McDonald’s across the street and sat down to study. We got to know some of the people around us as we studied but they all left.  Then this beautiful African woman came and sat down next to us. She was the sweetest thing in the world, and just thought it was amazing that we had more knowledge about the Savior, Jesus Christ. So the miracle about this one…First off its Sister Sam’s first day, so the fact that she got to teach a lesson in English is phenomenal!  Second, while we were doing personal and comp study, we were both studying about MIRACLES and how willing God is to pour them out on us. We just needed to have the attitude to expected miracles right and left, and God would provide miracle right and left!  Anyway, that was how her first day went, and you can only imagine it just got better from there on out! This week has just been so good and exactly what God needed for this area (:

Also general conference! WOW! Tracy couldn't stop laughing at how much I cried my way through general conference. I think every talk was for me! I cried through almost the whole 8 hours. I also made the Elders chocolate banana pancakes.  Then I went to go get Leo’s baptismal certificate signed by the Bishop.  He lives just around the corner.  I came back less than a minute later and all 30+ pancakes were GONE! AND only one companionship of the 16 of them said thank you! Like what!!? But it’s okay, I love the zone and me and Sister Sam are so blessed to be working with so many valiant young men who came ready to serve and ready to change. We had a zone find on Sister Sam’s first day.  I started them off with a pump up scripture and a joke and we went out finding for 2 hours. The power that surges through you when 20+ missionaries are out finding at the same time is so cool.  Miracles are bound to happen left and right! So good (:  This really is the Lords work.

In conference we were challenged by many church leaders and our beloved Prophet to develop a stronger relationship with the Holy Ghost. In my life He is a very special person. He fills me with energy and fills me with courage to do some crazy things, "What’s bold today, won't be bold tomorrow!" So take time for the next 6 months to learn about Him and come to know Him!  It’s through Him that we come to know our Savior.  Also, don't forget the important message to minister. Minister in the home, minister to your friends, minister to the people you run into at Walmart, Target, the gas station, minister to EVERYONE God puts in your path. We are all ministers the second we walk out that door. This is the Prophet’s call to us, MINISTER! And if this is the Prophet’s call, we may as well say it comes from the mouth of the Lord Himself.

Love you!!
Love Sister Webb

Sister Sam has arrived!

Jetlag . . . 

We got up at 4am and hiked Lion's Peak for P-day . . . IT WAS AWESOME!

I'm really going to misst his beautiful place!!

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