Monday, April 24, 2017

You Can Keep Going!

I've learned a lot this week about enduring with a smile.  Everything mission related went great this week, but my homesickness hit a little harder than past weeks. The mind set of "you can keep going, you have more in you, don't stop here" is more motivating than you could imagine! 
 As I cried in my companion’s arms the other morning, she said some really comforting words to me . . . endure with patience . . . keep telling yourself that you can keep going. But I also have to be honest - there is joy in everything about missionary work! haha (:  It’s the biggest roller coaster in the WORLD! But this JOY is most easily recognized and remembered during the hard times, just like in really life!  If you look for and find the joy, and that’s what you'll have. It’s that simple (:
Also the food here is WOW. For anyone who has served a mission, you might relate with me regarding how missionaries see food. It’s one of the only things we can have variety in and one of the only things we can control, so a little treat can make your whole day! It’s the best thing ever! I don't think I've ever been more grateful for food in my whole life haha (:

This week we taught a potential investigator names Sister Y. She is a prostitute, so we didn't really know what to teach her. It will be interesting to see where this goes and I’ll keep you updated, but she didn’t seem too interested so far. (:

I experienced the miracle of ‘the gift of tongues’ in my mission this week. TWICE this week I opened my mouth and just talked. And I was talking in a fluent manner, obviously with a limited vocabulary, but I was able to get across exactly what was going on in my head!  Then God was able to communicate whatever I couldn’t through the Spirit. The gift of tongues is so real!  I don't have any idea how I would be able to do this without it!  So those experiences were really strong testimony builders for me this week.  Thank you for all your prayers and words of encouragement!

I just want to share a quick testimony again about "you can keep going" this week in personal study (as always) God answered all my questions and more. I read in 2 Nephi 4:20, “My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.”

I love this scripture. God truly is our support. Lean on him for EVERYTHING. He's there. A good friend told me once that when we come crawling, God will come running. I can testify He is there and there is so much hope in that knowledge!  You literally have nothing to worry about if you believe this (:

I also loved 2 Nephi 9:41 that talks about how the path is narrow BUT it is straight.
Sometimes the path seems TOO narrow, BUT GOD made it straight! AHH! What a blessing!! I know you we can all make it through whatever we need to with His help!

I love this work and I really enjoy every second I am spending here, even the hard times. I’ve learned that is when you need to feel the most joy because that is when God is breaking you down so he can build you up (;

Love you all!
Love Sister Webb

We had an amazing trip to the HK Temple on Friday!

I really love my companion, Sister Gomez


  1. Hey Sister Amanda, Jimmie and I sure enjoy reading your weekly blogs! We went to Jessica's homecoming on Sunday. Sure enjoyed hearing from her :-) I know you are battling home-sickness, but I know you are strong enough to get through it!! We love you:-)
    Jimmie & Linda

  2. Thanks for the updates, Sister Webb! You nailed it with the 'finding joy' insight. You are amazing, keep on keeping on... love and prayers, Teena Jelsma x

  3. Amanda, You are amazing!! I love how much you are learning!! You truly inspire me to be better! I love you honey!! Love always, Vicky Porter ❤️
