Monday, June 26, 2017

Our Mormon Greeting

This week was pretty good! We had zone conference, it rained a lot and our recent convert had a change of heart and recommitted himself to all the covenants he made at baptism! (: So it was a pretty good week.

The language is coming along I think, but this week was pretty hard.  My companion and I came to the realization once again that we really don’t know a lot of Cantonese!  If anyone has language study plan tips I'm open to ANYTHING at this point.  We hit a low point and decided to drown our frustrations in ice cream.  It seemed to help!  The gift of tongues is interesting.  I can’t really explain it.  It is real but it comes and goes.   I’m so grateful when it comes!!

So this week in zone conference, a senior missionary made up a Mormon Greeting! haha (: In America we great people with "Hey, how are you”.  In some places of the world they say, "Have you had a bath today?" In Hong Kong we greet people with, " Leih sihk jo fahhn meih a?" meaning,  "Have you eaten yet?" In different cultures there are really polite ways to greet people, and Elder James brought up a good point. In the Mormon culture we don’t have a greeting, so he introduced this:   “Hello.  Have you had any revelations today?”  This is now how we greet each other (in Cantonese of course).   Isn’t that the best thing EVER!!!   It was a good reminder that we all need to be more sensitive to the Spirit. We are receiving revelation all day, and if we don’t acknowledge the Holy Ghost’s hand in the revelation we receive, His voice will become further and further away and harder and harder to hear. So help people remember the voice of the Spirit, "Have you had any revelations today?" (:

Funny language mistakes we made this week (translated):

Our Elder: So where is your son now?
Member: In heaven. (tin gwok)
Our Elder: Oh is that in mainland China? (daai lok)
Member: Mh.. sei jo la ( no, he's dead..)

This was a really unfortunate misunderstanding, but we can’t stop laughing about it.  Poor Elder!  Here is another one:

Sister Flynn: Leih hou, (hello)
Member: Nice to meet you (hou hoisam ying sik leih)
Sister Flynn: Bye Bye (hou)

 Sister Flynn meant to say, “You too”.  The member just started laughing.

 Overall It’s been a good week!!   You are all in my prayers!! Love you!

Sister Webb

One of our last district meetings before Sister Gomez left

Great markets in HK . . . no we didn't buy these

My new comp, Sister Flynn, is awesome!

Lunch with a member family

Face masks with the gals

Crossroads . . . the awesome organization we volunteer at!

This is Amanda's stink eye . . . I never know what she's thinking but it makes me laugh!

The Elder in the red striped shirt is teaching the ward the Haka!  They LOVED it!!

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