Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sara's Baptism & Accountability

 So for the past two transfers we have held ourselves accountable to our zone leaders and President Lam by obeying a list of mission rules.  We were sent a text every night for 12 weeks and held accountable to the following: 1) role plays 2) talking to everyone 3) asking for referrals 4) reading  the Book of Mormon 5) reading PMG 6) inviting someone to church 7) praying for baptismal dates. So this is just a few of the rules, but these specific 7 are the ones we were held accountable for. 

For 15 weeks we sent in our numbers every night.  Then this last week, as a zone leadership,  they decided to stop sending out accountability texts and have us start holding ourselves accountable.  This is the amazing part! Every Single Commitment has become habit. It is now a HABIT to do all of these things! It’s just a part of our day. This has just blown my mind, how something so simple as holding us accountable has created several really great habits for us! It just blows my mind!

This week we finally saw Sara and her son step into the waters of baptism.  All the missionaries who taught this amazing woman and her son came to support her, and about half the ward came along with our mission president and the assistants. It was such a good meeting. Sara was so happy when she got out. We had practiced beforehand a little and the Elder baptizing her had accidentally dropped her on the ground, so that frightened her a little!  But what do ya do (:??  The baptism itself was so smooth. It was really good.  

This week  I have learned a lot about unity, love, humility and patience as well.   The language is coming along and I’m grateful for that.

I was reading the "Elder Riccardi" letter this week and I love his prayer and the answer he receives at the end of his prayer.  He says this:

" For the first time in my whole mission I asked through earnest prayer for answers I deeply desired and needed, and I received an answer from the Lord...That morning I had prayed for close to 45 minutes when I decided to cease praying, still not having formally closed the prayer, just quiet in my thoughts and tears. I was having thoughts of going home, giving up. Then I heard this message: “Elder Humphrey, I am here. I know who you are. I sent you to those neighborhoods, the very ones where you experienced nothing but rejection. I prompted your changes in direction to even more difficult neighborhoods. I know where each of the elect in your area resides. I know their names. I could send you to those addresses only, and save you the time and sacrifice looking for them. BUT ELDER HUMPHREY, WHAT GOOD WOULD THAT SERVE YOU? The mission experience is to do what you are told, when you are told, to go where you are asked, and know that the blessing comes from enduring what I ask of you. This is not about you; it is about opening your mouth at all times in all places. Doing my will without thought to the end result or consequence… this is what serving a mission is."
Is this not just the most incredible experience?  I think this could represent my experience and perhaps God’s definition of a mission. You would think that if God called you to serve a mission, He would want to help you find the people He has prepared, wisely and quickly. But that’s not always the case. He needs me to change first. He needs me to trust Him first. This prayer and answer give me so much hope.  When I think God has abandoned me or led me astray, perhaps that is when he is helping me the most. Trust Him ALWAYS! He knows way more than we do.

Love you all, have a good week!

Love Sister Webb

Bus ride to the Ten Thousand Buddahs Monastery

Our Zone

Our District

The Ten Thousand Buddahs Monastery

Sara & Nico's Baptism

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