Sunday, December 17, 2017

McDonalds Is Like The Gospel . . . It's The Same Wherever You Go!

What a week!  So I was asked to talk about some of the people I meet day to day.  We usually meet a good amount of people each week and I must confess some are crazy, some are super religious,  and some are just flat out amazing!

So we started doing “singing finding” lately. We go to the town center and we sing Christmas songs and pass out flyers.  Last night about half-way through, this lady comes up and starts jumping up and down, clapping and dancing, and trying her very hardest to match our pitch haha (:  So we just kind of laughed and kept singing.  Then she went missing for about 10 minutes and came back with cake!  She comes up to each of us, hands us a piece of cake, and screams "Merry Christmas! I love you!"  We soon found out it was her birthday and started singing happy birthday haha (:   She was funny. . . a little crazy too . . .  but she seemed to have had a good birthday from the look of things!

I was on the MTR (subway) talking to someone this week and we were about 5 minutes into our conversation when this man shows me this app he has and then proceeds to tell me he was a Jehovah’s Witness!  He said that I needed to join his church. He was really happy to meet such a great follower of Jehovah, but he wished I was “preaching the correct doctrine”. Little does he know! (;  Then he handed me a flyer and said to call him when I wanted to know more about the gospel!  One day this man really will meet Jehovah and won’t that be exciting!!

We were one the hing tit (bus) on our way home last night and we ran into the funniest lady.  She had a microphone on her because she had lost her voice.  She was drinking this tea that is called "HOI SING CHAH", which is ‘open voice tea’ and she's been trying to get her voice back all week with it!(:   We got talking to her and she told us she lives up in the mountains.   We asked if she has any kids and she said,  " Oh none!  No time, I have 20 dogs!!"  This woman has been collecting and raising stray dogs.  She tells this story:  'One day I was going home and my neighbors had lined themselves up on the street so that I couldn't get through.  I got in a fight with them (*she does a sassy smile*) and I won!"   Then she laughs! SUCH A FUNNY WOMAN!  I think talking to people is what brings me the most joy on a mission.  It can be hard to start the conversation, but once you do, it brings you so much joy!

So the subject of my email. . . “McDonalds is like the Gospel,  it’s the same where ever you go”. We went to McDonalds this week to teach our investigator, Genie. We had the most powerful Book of Mormon lesson I have ever been in. As we starting teaching it was a bit rough because we seemed to keep going in circles.  Suddenly my companion bears a POWERFUL testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. It was amazing! I felt a strong prompting to invite her, right then and there, to experiment on the words of Christ. So I invited her to think of a question and ask God, and there was no denying that the Spirit was there – right at our table in McDonalds!!   So she thinks for a minute and then she says, "Ngoh seung mahn keuih hou dak bit ge mahn taih." (I want to ask him  a very special question.)  As a missionary now your thinking, "This is it!  She is getting baptized this week!!"   Then she says, "Sahn, leih silk jo faahn meih ah?" (God, have you had dinner yet?) I kid you not, we all started laughing, but the Spirit was still so strong!  Without hesitation, I handed her a Book of Mormon and said, "Now you've asked him your question, I want to show you how we get answers.  Open up to any random page."  With much enthusiasm, she opened up the book to see what God had to say.  She opened up to a scripture that talked about perfect resurrected bodies!  With the Spirit filling the air, we explained God’s answer.  He was a resurrected and perfect being, which meant he didn't need to eat dinner!(:  I love God’s sense of humor! I know this book is true. It is! And the words are God’s words.   He will help you answer any question if you just truly and sincerely ask him, then SEARCH! He was able to answer a simple question of a 20 year-old girl, sitting in McDonalds, through the Book of Mormon. He can do it for you too!

I know with all my heart that God lives.  I know that when we are serving Him we are standing shoulder to shoulder with the Light of this world, the One and Only Begotten of the Father, Jesus Christ. I know He lives. I know He loves us and He is providing love and miracles for us every day. He has provided SOO many special ways to reach out to all his children this Christmas season through US! I know He loves you! I love you too!

have a Merry Christmas this week!!

Love, Sister Webb

P-Day on a n island called Cheung Sau . . . Beautiful!

Sister Perez & me

More of the Sisters in my mission

Kelly!  One of my favorite members who will be leaving for the MTC tomorrow, serving a mission in HAWAII!

More pics from the island on P-Day

Elders Leong & Chapman (our zone leaders) and Sister Reese (serves as an STL with me)

This is a path we walk OFTEN on our way home from the church. It's BEAUTIFUL!

Mom sent me a Christmas package which included this cute little Christmas tree!  We LOVE it and bought . . . 

SOME LIGHTS to add to the Christmas cheer in our little apartment!!

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