Sunday, May 6, 2018

Work Like It Depends On You, Pray Like It Depends On God

"Work like it depends on you, pray like it depends on God!" is a principle that I think I finally understand. It took me 15 months!

We had the most amazing  meeting yesterday in Church. It was phenomenal. It was a broadcast specifically to Hong Kong and Taiwan. They addressed the Hong Kong people specifically and the work being done and listed some names of people throughout Hong Kong who have been pioneers in the work.  They personalized it so much for these people, and it was incredible! They talked about ministering, reading the Book of Mormon and prayer. Elder Anderson had a simple outline to help us . . .  he said, "Pray, Listen, Write it down, and Act". This is where the 'work like it depends on you, pray like it depends on God' quote plays a role. Elder Anderson played these 4 steps out in hope that we would live these 4 steps and grow closer to Christ so we are better able to receive more blessing and revelation. I just want to testify that these 4 steps WORK!  If you’re missing something in your life right now, it’s right there.. "Pray, Listen, Write it down, ACT" which part are you missing. If you’re missing a part, get to work!

This week was so full of miracles! What an incredible week. Tracy was baptized!! I think I would come to Hong Kong and do it all over again just for her! I am so blessed to have her in my life! WOW!  We started off her baptism with a song and then our ward mission leader talked a bit. Then us missionaries and the youth stood up and sang, and it was so beautiful that Tracy started crying.  Then I started crying. So sweet! Then she was baptized.  While she was changing, they let me stand up and give a talk.   This was incredible because we had about 8 people who were either investigators or less active members.  I taught the Restoration and it was SO FUN!!

I’m running out of time, but this week was a highlight of my mission. We met so many amazing new people and started teaching new people!  The work is getting busier and busier, and we finally are getting the ward more involved in family history!  I have found more investigators in these last 3 weeks than I have in my whole mission!

Love you!!

Love, Sister Webb

Getting ready for Tracy's baptism and visiting with so many awesome investigators there


Oh how I love these people!
Lunch with Shelly

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