Sunday, June 3, 2018

Sister Sam (my baby and companion) LED OUT this week!!

So just to clarify again, when we have a new missionary and we train them, they become our "baby".  Sister Sam is my baby.  I let her lead these last 4 days. SHE DID SO GOOD! It was such a blast too. She has so much enthusiasm for the work and she is SO good at staying happy, funny, optimistic and positive. I don’t know if any of you really know Sister Sam's story, but she is an inspiration to me. I have looked up to her since the second I picked her up in the office as a brand new missionary. She is older than me by just 2 months and she had a hard time deciding to come out on a  mission. She is a piano major at BYU and probably one of the best in her class (which says a lot because the BYU piano department is INCREDIBLE), but she wouldn’t tell you that if you asked her. She is humble and full of so much love and patience. She is someone who will submit to the Lord’s will, (once she is certain it is the Lord’s will) without hesitation, and she prays and prays for Her own will to align with the Lord’s will. She will allow the Lord to stretch her as far as He can until she break.  Then when she breaks she just turns right back to the Lord and relies on his mercy to pull herself back together, constantly remembering that she is imperfect and has weaknesses, but realizing that every weakness only brings blessings. She never lets Satan get to her. She is the happiest person I have ever met. Sister Sam is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met!  I’m so grateful that God gave me such an amazing companion!

So This week was just full of laughter and smiles, and lots of lessons learned for Sister Sam. I literally turned “baby” on her and made her lead everything. We had lots of time on some of the days where Sister Sam had to figure out what to do.  I think she was a little anxious when she realized there was a good four hour chunk of time that she had to fill. But she did it!  And not only did she just do it, she did it with a smile on her face and she would turn to me and say, "Okay baby, are you ready to see miracles today?!" This is something Sister Sam has said to me since day one! "We're going to see a miracle today Sister Webb!" Every time she says it, a miracle happens. So much faith in her tiny little frame haha (:

So we did have success this week, but one of our investigators got drunk the night before church and didn’t wake up on time for church haha (:  The other ones are all testing, so they have locked themselves away and turned off their phones. They literally go into hibernation!  We are mainly working with the ward and finding. (: It’s been a really fun week. President Lam always says, "Work hard, Work smart, and Have fun!" That’s his motto and it works!! So 大家 (daaih gaa) WORK HARD! WORK SMART, and HAVE FUN!!   Also, learn to trust the people that you think look up to you, let them lead, let them learn and let them have fun!

Love you all

Note from Julie:

**I enjoyed Sis. Sam’s recap on their investigators this week, so I’m including it below**

Kelvin: Kelvin is 30 years old and we met with him twice this week. The first time we met, we were able to get a ward member, Jyu Hoi who is a convert and also 30 years old, to come help us. He was a great help! The first couple of lessons Kelvin had- he seemed so sad. He has a really close friend dying of cancer. The second lesson we had was unexpected because Kelvin called and scheduled us to meet! We were a bit worried about his motivations, but were really surprised at the lesson. We taught him about the Book of Mormon, and he had so many good questions to ask us. He isn't able to come to church now because of a job until July. But, in his closing prayer, he asked to have time to come to church! He seemed so much happier this second lesson- I hope he continues to have interest!

Hei: Hei is 25 years old and is doing pretty good. We have taught him twice now and he has been to church once. This week we taught him about the Restoration. Hei is a really smart guy, an engineer, and we feel he is looking for more information about the gospel and are hoping he will start gaining more of a desire to develop faith in what we are teaching. He actually has a baptism date set for June 23rd though we'll see if the date sticks- we hope so!

Kenny: Kenny is doing well, he is still praying but is super busy with school. People are so busy here with school and testing and once testing ends they have to prepare for more tests! I feel so bad for these kids- there are a ton of schools around where we live, and these little school kids carry backpacks as big as their bodies!! Some kids we talk to say they have 18 tests for 18 different subjects. They go to school, than after school they have tutoring. So busy! We probably won't see Kenny for the next two weeks sadly. But, Sister Webb calls him to read the Book of Mormon with him- he says he will be much more free to meet with us after his tests are over.

Viann: Tracy's friend is doing well. It is super hard to meet with her, but she comes to church with Tracy- except for this week because she was not in HK.

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