Monday, May 29, 2017

Oh Be Wise, What Can I Say More

This week was just incredible!   Jacob 6:12 simply says, "Oh be wise, what can I say more?"  I feel like I could just leave it at that and say love you all, have a good week. But so much happened this week and I learned so much!

First, I have always known in my heart that this church is true. I have just always believed it. I've also believed Christ is real and near me. But this week I came to KNOW that Christ is there.  And I know with even more surety that this church is true.

On Monday we had the special opportunity to meet Elder Cook and hear him speak.  At the end, he bore His apostolic testimony saying, “I know His voice, and I know His face." His testimony touched the center of my heart and I have been thinking about what he said all week!  The next day, my mission president shared a scriptures with me:  D&C 93:1  “Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;"
This is a very sacred but real promise. I never realized or felt the truth of this before. You really can develop this kind of a relationship with God. I haven't imagined getting to the point in my life where I could “see [His] face” or hear His voice, and while I haven’t had this happen to me literally, perhaps we can receive this promise in powerful, personal ways as we serve others and watch Chirstlike people around us. 

As I have tried this week to find ways to come unto Christ, I have felt his presence more than at any time in my life. My prayers are becoming something more than just a prayer.  My scripture study is more than just reading the Book of Mormon.

A wise person once explained that I love my family because I know them and I've developed real relationships by learning about them, listening to them, and spending time with them. How can we truly love the Savior if we don't know Him?  So this week I've been trying to get to know Him, to recognize His voice in my head compared to my own voice, and recognize His love that He shows me every second of everyday.

Everything I'm doing on my mission is helping me more easily and quickly develop this relationship with Him.  It’s difficult to express in words the love and closeness I've felt with Christ and Heavenly Father this week. I know we can all have this! Find Him in your life, talk to Him in your prayers. I testify He's listening and His voice in your mind will become louder and more clear.  You know how to develop this relationship now, so do it. Be wise, what can I say more? (:

We also had the opportunity to hear form Elder Cook and his wife at a special stake conference.   They both emphasized the importance of teaching the gospel in the home and making your home a safe place for your children. It was super touching to hear some of their experiences that came through keeping the gospel the center of their home. I know from growing up in a gospel centered home, and teaching the gospel to others, that there is nothing more important than building a strong foundation for people who are young in the gospel. That foundation is everything for their future, so parents, KEEP GOING! Don't give up and just have faith that the foundation you build will hold up the walls they will start to build. 

We called our old investigator, Sara, the other night to see if we could visit her before sister Gomez goes home, and she was not very nice. She said some really rude things that were hurtful.  She questioned our love for her and our love for God.  She said she wanted to see us acting on what we were teaching her.  We felt we had been acting out of love and trying to exemplify what we were teaching her.  We were able to stand as witnesses of God and tell her about the sacrifices we were making to be in Hong Kong by serving as full-time missionaries.  We also shared our witnesses with her of the truthfulness of this gospel.  Sadly, she was not able to receive what we were trying to tell her and we left in tears.  It was really hard.

Afterward though, we talked about what had happened.  We both agreed that our faith hadn't moved.  Because of a strong foundation that we had both been given from years of living in gospel centered homes, we “ . . . could not be shaken", as the Book of Mormon prophet, Jacob teaches.  So to all the parents out there,  KEEP BUILDLING THAT FOUNDATION AND BE AN EXAMPLE TO YOUR KIDS OF HOW TO STAND FIRM AND UNSHAKEN FROM THE WORLD! 

Love you all so much! Praying for you all!

Love, Sister Webb

An awesome family in our ward that fed us dinner

English Class

Our sweet investigator, Shelly

Sister Gomez's birthday celebration with our district

It's crooked, but we decorated the apartment and threw confetti all over her when she walked in on her birthday!

My roomates.  Love them!

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